
Simon & Alice forge their wedding shackles

So, Mike's friends Simon and Alice recently got married. Mike used to work with Simon, but I only met them for the first time on the day of the wedding. The wedding itself was gorgeous, and that's really the reason for me posting these photos. For the benefit of mankind - so that those who are currently planning weddings may see these photos, and steal from them.

You can thank me later.

The wedding took place at the Staten Island botanical garden. Some sort of "asian" theme going on here. The wedding guests sat in a little pagoda across a pond full of koi. I thought that was a nice touch.

Post-ceremony, frolicking in the bamboo garden.

Isn't my dress just fabulous? I had the sleeves removed because Mike told me that I looked like a beer wench. And, my tailor agreed.

What a great idea - paper lanterns and floating candles with single orchids.

That's Mike with a guy whose name I can't remember. He was really nice though, and gave us a ride home.

Late night shot of the cake, with Denise on the right.

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