

Ugh, I was sitting here at my desk this morning – Fran is out so I have the office all to myself – and all of a sudden I catch some movement out of the corner of my eye and I look down and there’s a giant cockroach walking towards my sandaled foot! I screamed and jumped out of my chair and it ran underneath a file cabinet. I was totally freaked out and I ran to get Lazar but he couldn’t find it so he left (I still can’t believe he left me with it) and I was just sitting here, like, incapacitated with fear. I couldn’t work because I kept thinking it was going to come out and climb up my pant leg or get in my gym shoes or something so I started looking for it but it wouldn’t come out and I was just kind of sitting in the middle of the room staring at the corner when our handyman Rhett came by and I pulled a Scarlett O’Hara move and was like “Rhett! Oh Rhett! Save me!” and he came in and I told him what happened and he brought me a glue trap to put under my desk (ick). So, he was kind of crouched down putting down the glue trap when the giant cockroach ran out and scurried OVER HIS HAND and onto the trap! I took off screaming down the hall and when I came back he was holding the glue trap in his hand with the beast stuck right on top kind of chuckling at me and then he takes the trap and slowly folds it in half and presses it and I just heard this soft crunch. My eyes teared up and I just gagged and gagged and gagged. It was the single sickest moment of my life.

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