A while ago, while parading over the Bridge one morning, I noticed the appearance of what looked to be a deer blind on the roof of the 7th Precinct on Pitt Street (viewable from the South side of the bridge). I thought it was strange, since I had never seen ANY wild game, much less a deer, in lower Manhatttan. But whatever, I figured if our city's finest had found a new liesurely pastime it was not my place to pass judgment.
And then one morning - like a dream - He was there. It was a sunny morning and I was high-tailing to get to work. I had glanced over to see if there were any deer on the trafficway below and I did a double-take at what I saw. There was Lenin, standing there, in the deer blind. Now, granted, he's been encased in wax for a long time now so he was understandably a freakishly pale shade of white. He also had on a pair of cheap, gas station sunglasses. But the likeness was....unmistakeable.
Bear with me now. So, here's what Lenin looked like pre-waxing:
Handsome, I know. Now remember, he's been dead for about 84 years. Add in a pair of these:
And voila! Hence the apparition I saw on the roof of the 7th Precinct!
Now, I know it sounds crazy, I mean, this guy was a friggin revolutionary - what's he think he's doing hunting for deer on top of a police station in probably the most deer-devoid island in the world, when clearly it is nowhere near deer season. But then I realized - of course! Nobody expects Vladimir Ilyich Lenin to be hanging out in a deer blind on the Lower East Side. That would be CRAZY! And Lenin was known to be a very clear thinker. Therefore, its the perfect disguise!I walked by the next day and noticed that he was now wearing a very unflattering policeman's cap. I guess maybe too many people were recognizing him. I didn't want him to think it wasn't working so I pretended not to notice him and kept walking. My precious little secret!