
Things to see from a moving train.

I've been commuting to Princeton the past couple of days and have found that while riding the train I tend to neglect my reading materials.  This is not something new, as I often take the Amtrak up to Albany and spend the time gazing out the window at the picturesque hills of the Hudson Valley.  That's understandable.  

But...New Jersey Transit en route to Priceton...not as picturesque.  I couldn't figure out what kept drawing my eyes out that window, but at any rate, I decided to snap some pictures.  You know, because they last longer.

Also, on the same topic, was some fascinating graffiti that really was photo-worthy, but whizzed by to quickly to capture.  My favorite was one spraypainted on the back of a transformer and read:

"The rumors about my Denise
have been greatly exaggerated."

hee hee hee

Trees and other shrubberies

Wooden shanties

Other trains

Shadow puppets

New Brunswick

Watery graves

My own reflection in the smudgy glass

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