
A Berry Bonobo Birthday

Well kids, in the words of the famous Charles Brown, "Christmastime is here." Actually, I don't know if ol' Charlie himself coined that phrase, but I do know that I associate it with him.

Christmastime is here. And Beverly, our lovely tree.

As many of you know (or likely, none of you do), the approach of Christmas means the approach of Tiffany's birthday. This year we once again celebrated her survival and her ability to thrive into her 28th year. And thrive she has! Tiffany decided to have somewhat of a joint celebration with Baby Jesus, who's birthday is also fast approaching. For those of you who are not in the know, Baby Jesus is no longer thriving, nor living. But we continue to celebrate nonetheless.

But that's not my point. My point is that Tiffany lives, and for her birthday party she decided to have tree-trimming party. This is something that New York hasn't seen much of since the Victorian era, when people still enjoyed a good figgy pudding and yule log (or, as Wikipedia would have it, "Great Ashen Faggot") while small British paupers gaze in longingly from outside of the frosty windows.

Never one to be outdone by her forefathers, Tiffany resurrected this tradition of days gone by which produced a welcoming "pip! pip!" from the party guests.

Where is that dang Ashen Faggot when you need 'em?

It was a gay old time! I was very pleased with the tree trimmings as well as the various cordials and liqueurs that were on hand for consumption. That Tiffany certainly knows how to entertain a crowd!

Tiffany and the crowd, entertained.

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