
Steamy Days in NYC

Well, since I haven't had time to post the photos from Rainy Lake, I thought I'd share a nice one from this morning's walk over the BBurg Bridge. Its been hotter than Hades in the city this past week, topping out in the triple digits for the past few days. This morning it finally cooled off to a reasonable 90 degrees but the humidity still makes it feel like you're walking through the inside of someone's mouth.

We've had the threat of rain these past couple of days, but haven't seen more than a couple of drips here and there. The last time I wasn't sure if it was actually rain, or if it was the runoff from someone's air conditioner (Legionnaire's Disease?). This morning, the storm clouds were looking epic as I crossed the bridge (always a dicey place to be when there is the threat of foul weather), but alas, the rain never came.

Stormy sunshine.

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