
Mayor Meeks has a new First Lady!

Hello dears - as most of you already know, Mike and I have married! And, as promised, I have photos. Lordy, do I have photos. Not professional ones yet (jury is still out on my photographer...) but I have a zillion from friends and family. Well, mostly Tiffany, anyways. But they turned out great! Here is a small sampling:

You can't tell from this photo - but having our photos done was the only real stressful part of the day. Have you ever tried to coordinate a one-hour photo shoot with 2 photographers and a party of 20? It's like HERDING CATS.

Wedding time. Doesn't Mike look adorable? Like a soldier standing at attention. Oh, and my dress ain't too shabby either. Best wedding EVER.

Ahh...the reception! What a fabulous time.

Oh, and there are plenty more where these came from. Check out our shutterfly site for more pics. This one has photos of the rehearsal dinner and the day after the wedding as well. Good times.

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