
Tomatoes, tomatoes, and more tomatoes.

So, Mike and I purchase a farm share every year from our local CSA and once a year we are required to work at the distribution site or farm stand.  We always pick the distribution site, and always pick a date in October so that the weather will be cooler.  Well, today was our work shift day, and it pretty much went without a hitch.  Thankfully, tomato season is winding down.  I know, go ahead and scold me for ever uttering those words.  But DANG - we've had a LOT of tomatoes this year.  

 I was in charge of manning the bok choy station.  Isn't it beautiful? Like tiny, lush, green cabbage flowers.

Mike, keeping the tomatoes in line.  Like I said - we've had a lot of tomatoes this year and towards the end of the shift there were still just a ton of tomatoes left.  So, the shift coordinator told us to go ahead and take whatever we wanted.  And, despite the fact that we are already overloaded with tomatoes, despite the fact that we are running out of ideas for what to do with so many tomatoes, and despite the fact that Mike has a tummy that is highly sensitive to acid...we helped ourselves.  Or, rather, Mike helped himself!

This is what we ended up with, good grief! We're planning to make some bruschetta (sp?) and marinara sauce tonight, and probably some tomatoes with eggs tomorrow morning, tomato sandwiches for lunch, roasted tomatoes with dinner...ay...yi...yi...

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