
A Tree Groans in Brooklyn

Hello dearies!  So, I was heading to work this morning (via the subway due to the rain) and I happened across this typical city scene...

 ...which had apparently just happened about 3 seconds before I walked out the door.  We've had a rash of treepeople attacks here in the city as of late and I figured the bad weather must have instigated this fellow.  But, upon closer inspection, I found that it had just been another bad driver who had misunderestimated the size of his box truck (pardon the Bushism).

Anywhoo, the git who was driving the truck seemed to be annoyed that I was taking pictures and sarcastically asked me why I was doing so.  I patiently explained to him that it was funny.  But, somehow, I don't think he saw the humor in it.

I left when the NYFD showed up with their giant government-issued chain saws to make way for the long line of angry, horn-honking commuters trapped on my lovely, tree-lined street.

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